Our Story

“Music4Harmony: Inspiring Hearts and Changing Lives Through Music” 

Music4Harmony is founded by 4 young musicians that are passionate about music. Claire and Katie play violin, Hailey plays Viola and Ellie plays cello. They formed a quartet and have been volunteering to play at children’s Hospitals and retirement centers since they were in elementary school.

“I am so happy to serve the community in this way. Volunteering is an amazing way to meet people who appreciate your music” said Claire. “Music is like a pill that helped people to feel joyful and able to communicate again” said Katie.

During Pandemic, when there are limited opportunity for musicians to perform, and when children’s hospital and retirement centers have limited access. Claire and Katie found ways to create music online with 12 other friends, hoping to bring comfort and hope and deliver the message to let people know that they are not alone and things will be ok.

Two months after the Russian-Ukraine war, they organized a benefit concert to support Ukrainian children through Unicef. “A couple from Ukraine who saw our news on Fox TV, approached us after the concert. The music provided solace to their souls, and their heartfelt gratitude for our efforts in their country touched us deeply.” said Katie. “In just a few hours, we raised $7,500. This is the first time I realized the positive impact music can have on the world. This experience has solidified my belief in the incredible power of music.” said Claire.

Since then, they have organized benefit concert for kid with rare disease and they feel so grateful that they have the ability to raise awareness and help other children. There realized that there are actually many people that are willing to offer help as long as the awareness is brought up. With those motivation, they formed an official non-profit organization in the name of “Music4Harmony”, hoping to help children facing life-threatening difficulties.

They also aim to provide free music lessons and instruments to economically disadvantaged children, ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to learn music. All 4 of them have been learning music at very young age, they were so fortunate that they have so much resource and they want to share the same experience to other children.

This summer, they host concerts and Instrument Petting Zoo Programs at the Libraries, and the Summer Free lunch + play program held by city of Portland. They are also organizing 2 sessions of summer camp for young children to learn music, hoping to inspire them and start their musical journey.