Hailey Youn

Hailey Youn is a 10th grader attending Sunset High School in Portland, Oregon. She began her viola studies at age seven and is currently under the instruction of Brian Quincey. She joined the Portland Youth Philharmonic Organization when she was 8 years old where she was the viola principal for Young String Ensemble during the 95th season, and is currently a member of the Philharmonic Orchestra, Camerata PYP, and PYP String Quartet. Hailey has performed in NAfME All-NW Honors Orchestra and OMEA All-State Orchestra in 2023. She has participated in the Chamber Music Camp of Portland and OMTA Ensemble festival for several years, and Looking forward to attending the Brevard Music Center Summer Institute 2023 this summer. Besides music, Hailey enjoys dancing, biking, hanging out with her friends, and volunteering at Jacob Wismer Elementary School Library.